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Reducing Design and Construction Risk Exposure: Documenting Key Decisions

The failure to properly document key decisions during the design and construction process is one of the biggest drivers of non-technical professional liability claims against design and construction firms.

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Risk Reduction Recommendations for Architects, Engineers, and Construction Firms

Each year, one in five design firms has a claim filed against them. These claims can be costly – not just in terms of money, but in terms of the time and resources it takes to address them.

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Top 10 Reasons Why Design and Construction Projects Fail

Architects, engineers, environmental consultants, and construction firms face a multitude of risks every time they take on a new project. And if something goes wrong, a claim of alleged negligence can be devastating. With a whopping 20 claims per 100 accounts, professional liability insurance is a […]

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Privacy Policy Best Practices for Mobile Apps: Minimizing Liability Exposure

Many mobile apps need to collect personal data in order to function. Others rely on this personal data to keep their apps free and create a revenue stream. But collecting personal data can open mobile app companies up to potential lawsuits if it is mishandled.

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Technology Errors & Omissions for Software Providers

From managing workflows to keeping assembly lines running smoothly, software systems power big business. And when something goes wrong with that software, the costs can add up quickly - especially when the software is powering machinery that produces components for larger projects. Several […]

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Reducing Risk for Healthcare Providers

Healthcare services such as surgery centers, clinical trials and home health care carry a variety of liability risks that businesses and their insurance brokers need to be aware of. As an insurance broker, one of the most valuable things you can do is provide tools that improve risk management.

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